Enable "Replace owner on subcontainers and objects" option, if you want to take the ownership of the files and subfolders. Next, click on "Check Names" button>"OK". Hit on "Other users or groups." button to manually choose the username and type your account name. Choose "Edit" in "Owner" tab to change the owner. Click on "Security" tab>"Advanced" button. Right-click on the folder, and then, choose "Properties".

If you want to give this account the ownership of the files and subfolders contained in this folder, enable the "Replace owner on subcontainers and objects" option. Then click on "Check Names" button > "OK". Type the account name that you want to assign ownership to. Right-click on the folder, and then, choose "Properties" on the menu. The steps to get the ownership of the file or folder are slightly different between Windows 10/8 and Windows 7. In this case, you should restore your ownership of the file or folder by following the steps below. That's why you lost your ownership of some folders and files and can't access the folders or files. Sometimes, some of your account information might have changed when you've upgraded your Windows to the latest version. # Method 1: Get the ownership of the file or folder To fix "Access Denied " folder or file errors, try out the following methods one by one until the problem is solved.